Shufflix: Design Summary


In 1990 Alesia Software developed software for MS-DOS-based PCs for generating bridge deals for use in serious bridge tournaments run by the Danish NCBO, Danmarks Bridgeforbund (DBF). This effort was triggered by a series of errors in 1989, where a set of deals was inadvertently reused. This type of mishap and the measures taken to prevent them are discussed further in the Shufflix FAQ.  The resulting software package is KG, which has been in use for all high-level tournaments run by DBF since September 1990.

In the late 1990s machines for duplicating bridge boards had become affordable for individual districts under DBF or even for individual clubs. This resulted in a demand for a version of the bridge dealing software that could be distributed freely without jeopardizing the quality of the boards dealt. This version of KG was released in 1998 as freeware. At this time, a standard for interchanging information relating to duplicate bridge, including deals, was evolving. This effort, driven by Tis Veugen, resulted in the Portable Bridge Notation, which was also supported in the 1998 version of KG.

During 1998 and 1999, prompted by problems similar to those experienced in Denmark in 1989, Hans van Staveren took the initiative to develop dealing software for the Dutch Bridge Federation and the WBF with the intention of achieving a quality that can be used worldwide for serious as well as everyday tournaments. This effort has resulted in Bigdeal, which is a state of the art dealing program that anyone may download and run on their own computer.  This initiative touched off several discussions on the Internet about the requirements that such software must meet and the possible designs that can meet these requirements.

As a spin-off of these discussions, Alesia Software has developed Shufflix, which is a WWW-based state-of-the-art dealing program that provides deals for a session of bridge in a matter of seconds using only a WWW browser.


The basic requirements set out for the 1990 version of KG were the following: In the 1998 version of KG, the requirements were revised to include the following: In Shufflix (1999-2001), the requirements have been revised to include the following. As can be seen, the major developments from KG to Shufflix are primarily concerned with issues that are treated in the cryptographical literature.

Oh, by the way, there is also Hackix. This is a 9-line Perl program that shows what a programmer who is only worried about the statistics requirement might develop. The requirements analysis of Hackix is another way of getting to grips with what these requirements are all about.

Overall Design of Shufflix

  • Tournament Description
  • Entropy File
  • Sequence of deals
  • Description of the Deals
The input to Shufflix is the following:

The Entropy

Getting together a suitable entropy file for the deals is worth a special short discussion. Note that the impact of the entropy file is concentrated on the requirement that the deals should be Unpredictable and have No discernable pattern. Shufflix is designed in such a way that the requirements for good Statistical behavior and Non-repeating performance are fulfilled anyway.

The Output

The output of Shufflix is a sequence of deals accompanied by all the necessary information for unique identification of the deals and the event for which they are to be used.

Step 1: Generate the Run Seed

  • Miscellanous user data
  • Entropy
  • Run seed
Step 1 uses a cryptographically strong one-way hash function to transform the entropy into a sequence of bits, which is called the run seed. The Shufflix prototype uses MD5, which creates a run seed of 128 bits.

The computer entropy consists of these contributions:

Step 2: Generate a Sequence of Pseudo-Random Bytes

  • Tournament Description
  • Run seed
  • Tournament Description
  • Long sequence of pseudo-random bytes
Step 2 uses a one-way hash function to create a sequence of random byte values (0..255).  The values are for each board to be dealt. Shufflix uses MD5 for this step too.

The overall approach, which is recommended in Carl Ellison's paper on Cryptographic Random Numbers is to concatenate the unpredictable runseed with a sequence counter and process that through the hash function. This yields 16 bytes for each call.

Step 3: Generate Boards

  • Tournament Description
  • Sequence of Random Bytes
  • Tournament Description
  • Description of Deals

Step 3 shuffles the cards once for each board, using the random bytes from step 2.  The algorithm selects a card at random and moves it to the top of a result pile, repeating until all 52 cards have been moved.  To do this, a random byte is converted to random number of appropriate size K by taking its remainder modulo K.  To avoid bias, the entire byte is discarded if it is larger than the largest multiple of K less than or equal to 256.

The resulting deals are described using 52 characters for each. Here is an example of such a file.
#I:Example session
#T:2001-09-02 18:55:17 Z
#V:Shufflix 0.9
Each line after the Tournament Description describes a board. The number 0,1,2, and 3 signify North, East, West, and South, respectively. The first character shows which hand is to get the A, the next character shows who gets the K, and so on through the s, the s, the s, and the s, ending with the 2. This format is named .tso in honor of Thomas Andrews (thomaso), who uses this format in generating his Impossible Book of Bridge Deals.

Step 4: Generate Various Output Formats

  • Tournament Description
  • Description of Deals
  • Some useful output format.
Step 4 generates formats needed by the user. The prototype supports the following formats: Have a look at the earlier example in the Danish language HTML format.

Generally, anyone can write post-processing software that formats the deals as they see fit. The best candidate for further formatting is PBN because it is in general use for interchanging bridge software. Otherwise, the easiest format to decode is probably the .tso format. For a fairly straightforward example, see the Perl program

It is important to support the clerical processes surrounding the use of the deals, so whenever possible, the Tournament Description should be carried over to the new format. For this reason, formats like the .DUP format, which discards the Tournament Description, should be used only when absolutely necessary, e.g. when feeding the deals to a Duplimate machine.

Source Code

The Shufflix prototype uses the CGI interface on a Web server. It is written in Perl 5. The source code can be read here.

It is an important property of Shufflix that public access to the source code in no way invalidates the properties of the software. On the contrary, openness to public scrutiny should support overall trust in the Shufflix software.

Requirements Coverage

Statistics (strong).

The deals generated must be statistically indistinguishable from deals chosen at random.
It is a general feature of cryptographic hash functions, including MD5, that the output cannot be distinguished statistically from random output. In other words, each 128-bit hash result is supposed to be equally probable. This implies that all random bytes in step 2 will be equally probable.  In turn, this implies that all shuffles in step 3 wil be equally probable

Of course, the theory is useless unless the implementation actually fulfills the statistical requirements. So validation is called for. In KG, this was achieved by creating 4000 runs of 40 boards (that is 160 000 boards), counting various statistics, and performing a chi-square test against the theoretical distribution of these statistics. The statistics can be quite varied, and outsiders are invited to invent statistical challenges. Typical examples are

Such statistical tests are being run on Shufflix, and the results are published continually here.  Stay tuned!

The statistical tests still use 4000 sequences of 40 boards each (160 000 boards).  The sequences are generated along the following lines:

Non-repeating (strong)

A sequence of boards generated for one event must not be observably related to the boards generated for some other event.
Simply put, if the Tournament Identification is not the same for the two events, the one-way hash function will ensure that the boards are not related in any way. So theoretically, this boils down to convincing the operators that it is in their interest to use thorough descriptions of the events they are generating boards for. As a safety net under the user, the wall clock time of his run is part of the tournament description.

And if that should fail, the run seeds going to be different with extreme high likelihood, and that also makes it absolutely unlikely that two different events get related boards.

[Statistical note: Since there are 2**128 different run seeds, the probability that two specific runs of Shufflix use the same run seed is 1/2**128.  More importantly, the Birthday Paradox implies that even when Shufflix has run 2**64 times, the probability that some run seed has been used more than once is less than ½.  2**64 is a huge number; if every person on Earth (less than 2*33 persons on Earth) runs Shufflix once a second (less than 2**25 seconds in a year) it still takes more than 64 years (2**6 years) to reach 2**64 runs.]

A feature of step 2 in the algorithm is that even if the same 16 random bytes are output by MD5 in two different runs, the previous and subsequent bytes in the two runs will still be completely unrelated. Again, this is due to the properties of the one-way hash function.

Clerically Robust (medium)

The software must support clerical procedures that help prevent inadvertent use of generated deals in an event that they were not intended for.
The operator is implored to identify the tournament (or section of tournament) for which the deals are intended. That information is then carefully preserved whenever possible in all subsequent renderings of the deals. At the target event, the Tournament Director or his staff should ascertain that the boards played are the boards intended to be played at that event.

Unpredictable (strong)

It must be infeasible, even when backed by immense, but realistic computing resources, to categorically rule out that any given sequence of boards will be generated for a particular event.
This boils down to predicting the set of possible run seeds. When sufficient entropy is provided this amounts to checking all feasible 2**128 run seeds with a supposedly known tournament identification. Given computer techonolgy as of 2001, this approach will not yield useful information.

No Discernable Pattern (strong)

It must not be possible for dishonest, knowledgeable players, even when backed by immense, but realistic computing resources, to predict the rest of the deals to be played during a session, given the deals already played.
Provided the one-way hash function is cryptographically secure, this attack amounts to a brute-force calculation of 2**128 sequences of boards, all performed after the first boards in the session have been seen.

Users (strong): Potentially Hostile Mutually Protected

A large community of potentially hostile users must be protected against each others' use of the software.
A user who describes his tournament precisely in the Tournament Identification is ensured against someone else running the same sequence of boards by accident.

Someone else might generate the same sequence of boards by dishonest design. The entropy ensures against that: The dishonest user has to guess a 128-bit number in order to generate the same boards. That is sufficient protection in practice.

Auditable (strong)

It must be possible to ascertain after the event that the deals were not intentionally modified during and after dealing.
Auditing that nothing was changed after dealing is fairly easy. The information saved with the deals (see the .tso file) is enough to allow an auditor to repeat the generation process starting with step 2 and check that the same deals are generated.

Auditing that the run seed was not selected knowingly in order to create deals with certain properties is more complicated.  See the FAQ for a discussion.

Overall Secrecy

The innards of Shufflix itself are in principle available for public scrutiny: Anyone is allowed to read the source code. The boards become unpredictable because of the unpredictable nature of the entropy input, not because of any secret tricks in the Shufflix code.

For a specific event, the entropy and all the output from steps 1 through 4 have to be kept secret until the boards have been played. Of course, this is no different from any other mechanism for dealing for a bridge tournament, including manual dealing and manual duplication.

The simplest precaution is to deal the boards just in time - that way very few people have a chance to know anything about the boards before it is too late.

Shufflix uses HTTPS to ensure that alle information regarding the deals is encrypted when transmitted over the internet.

Version 2017-09-26/ jbc